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User:Alex756/AMA Coordinator Candidate Campaign

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AMA Coordinator Candidiate Campaign



Welcome to my campaign headquarters. You can ask me questions here, volunteer to help me campaign and make other comments.



I started the Association of Members' Advocates out of the need to deal with some of the procedural complexity that has developed with development of the mediation and arbitration committees. The ordinary volunteer may find her or himself in a situation that may be hard to understand because of all the rules that have developed here on Wikipedia.

Ask questions here

  • How much time per week do you have to dedicate to Wikimedia related activities?
It varies between about 5-6 to about 15. I usually log on every day and check out a few things. Don't always make edits, but do have some time to read Wikipedia, make some observations, think about things...
  • What sort of governing structure will you setup to manage the AMA?
None. The AMA is a volunteer organization. The members will have to vote to create a membership structure. I am only going to be the coordinator to make things happen, not impose any structure.
  • How do you plan on assigning cases to arbitrators? Will you allow any one to volunteer for a case regardless of their expertise in the area/topic under discussion?
At present the AMA does not have a referal service, which I think is what you are suggesting. Perhaps it will have one in the future. For now, if someone contacts the AMA I think the coordinator should alert the members. The relationship between the members and the disputants that they represent is between them. The AMA is not any kind of certification body, the members have to convince someone that their help is useful.
  • How many times do you plan on allowing a case to undergo the arbitration process before the AMA refuses to allocate further resources to the issue?
In light of the above answer I think you can see that the AMA is not going to be allocating resources. That will be done by the members in their private capacity. The AMA is their to train advocates, to put them in a position to help others based upon their own experiences and the shared knowledge of the group. The group will not be representing anyone. Members may discuss issues and decide that there are certain issues that they feel are a waste of their time. Other members may come to the opposite conclusions. Both approaches are valid from my point of view.

  • Are you in favor of a Wikimoney fee for cases that require abnormal resources for resolution?
Volunteers cannot be paid. If they are paid then they are not volunteers. If a Wikipedia member wants to give something to someone for advocating for them, that is up to the member and the advocate. It has nothing to do with our association, we are not a clearing house or a barter management service. Thank you for your questions!

--Pharotic 00:06, 20 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Were you the person who stated that it would be "unequitable to use the defense of the running of the limitations period... where one is lead to believe that the other party has agreed to suspend the limitations period during good faith settlement negotiations"? If so, is there case law that supports that assertion.

Also, is there a tolling in cases of theft where the person who was the victim was not mentally or physically capable of knowing of the theft and someone else "discovers" the theft. Is there a limitation on the civil aspects of this type of thing?

please email me at bobbywilson54@hotmail.com

Thank you

Volunteer here


I have doubt in referal service. Please give correct explanation and example. It is very useful for me. Thank you

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